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What type of Henna do you use?We use premium quality henna from our own farm for all of our products. Our signature paste includes triple sifted henna powder, Tea water, Lemon Juice, Sugar and Essential oils of Lavender, Eucalyptus and Tea Tree. If you have sensitives to tea tree, please inform us at time of order the product and booking your appointments. For pragnant women and for children, we use our henna paste with only lavender essential oils. Our henna paste is hand made by one of the expert so we know exactly whats going on your skin. We do not use Black Henna. Read black henna warning.
Does your Henna have additives?Our henna powder do not contain any additives or preservatives. Thay are pure and natural henna leaves powder.
Do you have Black Henna?No, we do not carry, apply or encourage the use of black henna. There is no such thing as "Black Henna". Black henna is a term given to a harsh phosphorus based chamical, often used in hair dye, called PPD (Para-phenylenediamine). This is actually a skin irritent which can cause life long scarring, blistering, skin irritation and is a potential carcinogen. the reason people use this chemical is because the stain gives a tattoo look within 30 minutes. However, what they don't realize is that the application of this chemical can cause permenent scars. Black Henna is a lie -- it does not exist ! Black henna is no safe, not recommended and not allowed to be used !! Many countries like Canada, USA, Australia and other countries issued a warning on the use of Black Henna. If you are considering using black henna, please do a quick search on the topic to know what you are getting yourself into.
What is Henna?Henna is a plant which has tendancy to dye dark, reddish orange color from the shoots and leaves of plant known as Lawsonia Enermis. The folower and leaves of the plant are used as a cosmetics and for decorative purpose. the leaves of the plant are dried and crushed into a green powder. addition of liquid and essential oils create a smooth paste. The Henna paste is used to apply on skin for body art and on Hair for dying purpose and left on atleast for 2 hours. The application site is dyed a natural henna color of reddish brown to burnt orange. The design on the body then fades as the skin naturally exfoliates, over 3 to 21 days. The molecules in the plant release the dye on contact with skin. The released stains the skin by binding to the keratin. henna stains darkest on thicker skin such as the palms and soles. as the skin naturally exfoliates, the stain starts to fade.
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